Well I'm feeling really bad for my brother. Who has recently got a 79 back on the road after pouring some money into it. Well it seems like it has thrown a bearing possibly. :( He was travelling at highway speed and it started knocking, so he pulled over straight away. The engine will not restart. And there is no oil. I cant comment any more on condition other than thats what he has told me. He sounds like he is in the middle of nowhere- Mallacoota south of Genoa. What should he do? Anyone who can help? He does have the best RACQ roadside cover but that will only get him so far. Take it to Sydney or Melbourne? Anyone with a replacement 2L that would be an easy swap. Or anyone that could offer assistance? As I was the one that steered him toward Alfa ownership I feel partly responsible. He has spent a fair bit to get it to this point so this is pretty distressing for him.
Eek - that's bad news! 530+ km to Melbourne, 630+ km to Sydney.
If he decides to get it to Melbourne, suggest he calls one of the alfa specialist repairers - Maranello Pur Sang, Monza Motors, Mauceri Motors etc. Get them to call their favourite tow truck drivers and try to do a deal. If you just ring up it'll be $mucho.
Hi Derek
I am near Eden NSW, Mallacoota is not to far away
I could go and have a look but it sounds terminal
If there is anything I can do let me know
I have a UTE but no car trailer
Yes, very bad news. Sounds like he is taking it to Melbourne and yes the towies want to charge through the nose.
David, thanks for the offer, without seeing it myself I dont know how bad it is. Another bad thing is he thought he was doing the right thing with the top RACQ cover but he rang them and they said it doesnt kick in for 48 hours and he only signed up yesterday and now they know it has broken he isnt entitled to the monetary cover he would have normally got.
If you PM your number I might pass it on to him as he might need to get it towed somewhere local first.
Hi Derek
If he needs to get to Melbourne and cannot go with the towies Merimbula airport is just down the road from my place
I'm happy to pick him up
Poor form by RACQ >:(
Looks like he is gonna try for Melbourne tonight as he was meant to be flying out in the morning for NZ for a holiday... I think a courier is giving him a lift to Bairnsdale where he might catch a train to Melbourne. The car is at a mechanics in Mallacoota. I read the conditions on the roadside assist and yes it is 72 hours before the higher covers kick in. He had signed up only a day and a half ago. Shame its not like the insurance guys who cover you straight away. He is with Shannons so its not like he tried to skimp on covering his bases either.
A few pics of his car. Boy was I looking forward to him driving it up here for me to take it for a spin. Mightn't be for a bit longer now... So definitely on the lookout for a reliable 2L that will be a straight swap.
Sad tale indeed. Beautiful looking car. I'm in Canberra and there are a couple of good Alfa mechanics here so let me know if I can help.
Time for an update.
Well some good news, thanks to this great alfa community and their contacts, Craig's car will be trailered down to Melbourne in the next week, a lovely fully reconditioned motor has been sourced, and Sebastian from Mauceri Motors will be doing the transplant. Very pleased with how this has turned out. My brother isn't too devastated either so hopefully it hasn't put him off Alfa ownership. He just needs a bit longer driving his car for the bug to properly bite ;D
Well I thought I would fill you in on the good news finish to the saga. I am currently babysitting my brother's car while he is on holidays again... Thanks to the help of the fantastic Mexican Alfisti the car is running great. (Claude you are a legend, the engine is great). I take the looong way home after work when I have the alfa. I can say after taking the car for a few italian tuneups, that the car is now well tuned... It goes very well. Gets me very itchy to get back into mine.
Great news, good to see it back on the road. You should have it all settled in nicely for when your brother gets back.
Yes, thanks David for your offers of help as well. I have already had a starting issue sorted as it had a few wires that had burnt out due to rubbing on the steering column, so got that wiring replaced and a few connectors. It already had a starter relay and kill switch. The 15" 225 tyres are pretty grippy too. Drivers door is a bit saggy, door handles need to be replaced, and a broken bracket on the exhaust, but other than that a great car.