On Saturday 29th October, we will be hosting an informal dinner to celebrate Spettacolo 2011.
All Club members, interstate guests, Spettacolo organizers and volunteers are most welcome to attend. We are already taking bookings as many regional and interstate AROCA members will be in Melbourne to enjoy this important annual event on the Club calendar.
Time: Arrive at 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm start.
Location: Rising Sun Hotel
Corner Raglan St & Eastern Rd,
South Melbourne.
Cost: Set Menu $45.00 per person. (Drinks not included.)
In addition to celebrating the 101 year history of the Marque, the Club will be recognizing the members and guests who are owners of Vintage and Classic Vehicles and those also participating in the "Tribute to Open Top Motoring" Walk of Fame -celebrating ownership of roadsters and spiders.
History of our marque and ownership of significant and historic vehicles is most important and the Club will be looking at expanding it's activities in these areas. This includes development of the registers with more activities for Concorso Displays and associated events. The Australia Day Federation display is the next date on our display calendar.
We look forward to your participation and book early as places are limited. Note that we are having an earlier start than usual in order to finish at a reasonable hour.
RSVP by 27th October. For Bookings Contact:
Mary Colautti - Social Secretary
Mobile: 0412-785-824
Email: Social@alfaclubvic.org.au
More location details: http://www.risingsunhotel.net.au/ (http://www.risingsunhotel.net.au/)