Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Broch on November 21, 2011, 08:19:44 PM

Title: First time Alfa owner - hello!
Post by: Broch on November 21, 2011, 08:19:44 PM
Last month I lost my virginity thanks to Giulietta QV - my first new car, my first Alfa.

My first affair was with a 1966 Morris 1100 - postbox red (so much so that I often found letters in the grille) - it saw me through Uni.
Then a "beep beep" Barina (what was I thinking).
To correct that, I went to a 1980 Ford Falcon Wagon, just to prove....

A 1994 Subaru Liberty seduced me in 1999 - sunroof, spoiler, etc. I sold out to company cars for a while, but returned to a 1999 Liberty soon after.

2011 - Business going well I decide to replace my 1999 Liberty. My first new car. But wait - they have lost all their sportiness, they're now Corporate Tanks, barely distinguishable from the others.

...and then I met Giulietta. Sexy, fast, smooth, elegant, and even practical - efficient, safe. Perhaps a little demanding - "no leather seats unless you get a sunroof".

I acquiesce.

I commit.

Sure, we're having some teething problems - Giulietta doesn't like my plug-ins, I don't like her head - but I'm committed - I refuse to allow that to get in the way!

....and surely that is what commitment is about.

Title: Re: First time Alfa owner - hello!
Post by: alfarally on November 22, 2011, 09:54:48 PM
Alfa's are about passion are they not?
I even liked Jeremey Clarkson more (or disliked less) when I discovered he was an Alfa enthusiast.
I'm sure you will love the new car.
Title: Re: First time Alfa owner - hello!
Post by: colcol on November 22, 2011, 11:23:30 PM
What did Clarkson say?, "you cannot call yourself a true petrol head until you have owned an Alfa", i know because channel 9 repeated it again the other night for the 500th time, welcome to the forum, hope you join the club and get involved with a few activities, and the lack of footrest and space next to the clutch doesn't get you down too much, Colin.
Title: Re: First time Alfa owner - hello!
Post by: Broch on November 22, 2011, 11:41:55 PM
Colin - thanks for the welcome - I will be joining the club soon, but can't seem to do it online - relying on Aust Post.
alfarally - not sure that the Jeremy Clarkson's enthusiasm is a plus or a minus, though I'm sure that I will love my new car.... eventually