After having my 02 156 for a while now, we have just gotten rid of the swift and picked up a nice 07 147 with 25k on the clock and all logbook service, even had the timeing belt done a month ago :)
Very happy, we now have two alfas and an austin a30 in our list of cars
2 good Alfa Romeo's and a Austin A30, which is quite a pretty car with some personality, lifes good, going to 'BROCK' it by putting a red Holden 186 in it?, Colin.
The 2005 series 147 is known for a smoother ride due to improved shock absorbers. The rest is very much the same. In any event you have the 159 front and a value modern car.
Post some pics.
Not a fan of the brock reco, but was cool to see, love my austin, not brakes, no steering, no suspension, take your life into your hands everytime you drive it....just the way driving is suppose to be, a joy and a challenge.
will post some pics of the 147, it is the alafa red as well. Sadly it makes my much loved 156 look very tired.
Well if your good 156 looks a bit tired, you will have to spruce it up a bit, just a bit curious, do the 147 and 156 share the same garage \ shed \ carport \ driveway?, Colin.
Colin, sorry to say no, we have have a big 12 x 9 shed, but only two doors and the rest filled with shite, the austin lives there and the 147 does, my poor ole 156 which was orginally bought as a cheap second runaround (and caused us to fall in love with the alfa) stays outside. The harsh QLD sun has caused the metallic maroon paint to fade on the roof edges and other different spots. My 156 currently has approx 190000 klick on it and going strong. The only big thing that has ever needed done was the altenator. I will probably keep it for about another 30 to 50 thousand and sell it for a couple of grand or parts. Then I will be in the market for a newer 156/159 :)
My 156 and 33 share the same shed and whatever i do to one i have to do to the other, because the other one will know that it is missing out, eg wash and polish, oil changes, etc, i feel that they are not mechanical, but human and part of the family, something that would never happen with a whitegoods car, such as a Toyota or Samsung refrigerator, Colin.