Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

Technical => 932 Series (156, GTV, Spider, 147, GT, and 166) => Topic started by: zayed85 on December 21, 2011, 11:52:45 AM

Title: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: zayed85 on December 21, 2011, 11:52:45 AM
Hi All,

I've got a 2005 Alfa Romeo Selespeed 147 that has been causing some issues. It was involved in an accident and initially had a selespeed error and wouldn't change gears. There were issues with the accumulator and some Wiring which Bruno and team at Marenallo Pursang repaired.

The car drives now however as soon as you put it in reverse the Selespeed System Failure comes up on the dash, the car can still reverse and does so with no issue. Bruno believes it is related to the reverse buzzer but hasn't been able to drill down to the source of the issue apart from saying it's related to the reverse buzzer not operating correctly and may be a wiring problem

Does anybody have any suggestions? Any ideas on what can be done to eliminate the issue, any help will be greatly appreciated.


Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: colcol on December 21, 2011, 09:02:14 PM
When you say it is a reverse buzzer, is that an optional extra bought at Repco or is it part of the original wiring?, if its part of the original wiring, you will have to get Maranello Pursang motors to fix it, if its an option added to the car, the buzzer should be removed, as it is adding more drain on the electrics and this has been picked up by the computer and its throwing up an alarm, the stand alone buzzer is wired in with the backup lights or you can get buzzers built into the reversing globe, remove these and put it back to standard and see if the message goes away, i fitted L.E.D. globes in the interior of my 156 and i got constant error messages, go back to standard globes and no more error mesages, Colin.
Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: bix on December 21, 2011, 11:14:28 PM
Colin, was that you the other night down Chapel Street in the 156 with the blue LEDs and the stereo "doof doof"?
Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: zayed85 on December 22, 2011, 06:37:38 PM
Hi Colin,

Thanks for the reply.

As far as i know its part of the original wiring and the auto elec that bruno uses couldn't get a wiring diagram to trace it down.

Bruno said the error coming up is related to the reversing buzzer and is most likely an issue with the wiring of it.

As far as i'm aware nothing no-standard has been fitted, i know the earth on the drivers side was damaged and it was repaired by an auto electrician, i'm thinking maybe that wasn't done correctly or one of those wires is crushed and not earthing correctly - but the error coming up has nothing to do with earthing.

I don't think i have much of an option now then to book it into Zagames and hope they can drill down on what exactly is causing the issue but it seems to be auto elec related. So if anyone has any suggestions of any other Alfa Auto elecs that could look at it.

Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: Brad M on December 22, 2011, 08:27:46 PM
Reversing sensors are not factory standard on a 147, as far as I know (i.e. the impression I got from a reputable panel beater).
Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: colcol on December 22, 2011, 08:36:54 PM
Do you have a reversing buzzer, that beeps when you backup, like garbage trucks and forklifts have as a warning to pedestrians, or are you talking about reversing sensors that beep faster when you get close to say a wall, there are 4 'discs' in the rear bumpers and a 'beeper inside the car and sometimes an L.E.D. display on the dash somewhere for reversing sensors, Colin.
Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: zayed85 on December 23, 2011, 12:34:29 PM
Interesting, i'm not 100% sure but what i understood from Bruno is that when the car is put in reverse it's supposed to make a beeping / buzzing noise. i remember reading somewhere online that its a safety feature that reminds people the car is in reverse.

As far as i understood it this wasn't functioning correctly and therefore causing the selespeed system failure to come up on screen.

When the fault codes are cleared, the car operates fine and shows now errors until reverse is engaged then the error stays on screen.

Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: colcol on December 23, 2011, 01:41:46 PM
OK, you will need to go to an Alfa Repairer with the Alfa Romeo computer so that you can work out what the problem is, it sounds reatively simple such as a wire come of the buzzer, which would be located on the dash somewhere, so that the driver can hear it, you may wish to take it to a Auto electrician, but they are going to have Alfa Romeo dianostic computer and they need to know about Selespeeds, look at our supporters and service providers on the Forum page, Colin.
Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: colcol on December 23, 2011, 01:46:03 PM
Hey Mr. BIX, i said i had L.E.D.'s on the INSIDE of the car, not UNDERNEATH the car as you suggested, and regrettably i am nowhere cool enough to go anywhere near Chapel St., and this 'doof-doof' music of which you speak of, if thats the Ramones, then i am guilty as charged, Colin.
Title: Re: Selespeed System Failure in Reverse issue with reverse Buzzer
Post by: Sheldon McIntosh on December 23, 2011, 02:06:31 PM
Quote from: colcol on December 23, 2011, 01:46:03 PM
Hey Mr. BIX, i said i had L.E.D.'s on the INSIDE of the car, not UNDERNEATH the car as you suggested, and regrettably i am nowhere cool enough to go anywhere near Chapel St., and this 'doof-doof' music of which you speak of, if thats the Ramones, then i am guilty as charged, Colin.

Uncle Col listens to the Ramones?  Geez, Col, my respect for you grows with every passing day.  Damn they're a great band.