Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

State Divisions => Victoria => Topic started by: Prana69 on January 27, 2012, 10:59:13 AM

Title: 2003 156 JTS remote key fob central locking problem
Post by: Prana69 on January 27, 2012, 10:59:13 AM
Hey all

I have a problem with my key remote.  The central locking / unlocking process is not working correctly.

The remote will lock the doors and give me the flashing indicators to confirm, but it will not unlock the car again. When I hit the button to unlock, all I get is a single indicator flash, but the doors do not unlock. There is also no noise from a motor.  I can unlock the doors manually with the key in the lock, so I know the motors are OK.  The remote boot unlock mechanism works fine too.  It just seems to be the remote doors unlock mechanism.  Maybe the receiver is not receiving or recognising the "unlock code"?

My car was recently repaired after a relatively minor rear-ender, and much work was done on the boot and spoiler and a bit on the front.

It was in the panel shop for 16 days.  When it came out, it had this central locking fault as well as a rear passenger window power window fault which was fixed when I took it back to the panel shop.  But they could not diagnose the central locking fault.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: 2003 156 JTS remote key fob central locking problem
Post by: colcol on January 27, 2012, 12:35:37 PM
For a start, its in the wrong column, put this post in the 156-147-166 section, it seems the computer is not sending power to unlock, but its getting the message to flash the lights, take it back to the panel shop, or talk to your insurance company, as it worked before the accident, it may need to go to an Alfa specialist with the Alfa Romeo diagnostic computer, great car 156 JTS and its Silver just like mine, Colin.