Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

General Category => Buy/Swap/Sell [Announce ONLY] => Topic started by: McAnnik on April 27, 2012, 10:15:10 PM

Title: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: McAnnik on April 27, 2012, 10:15:10 PM
   Hi All, not needed urgently but a left hand outer door handle for a '74 105 GT (yeah! I know the're all the same) is required. I would like a nearly as new example (no cracks and dimpled chrome in the die casting)and am prepared to pay top price as a new one from ClassicAlfa is likely to be well over a 140 bucks by the time it gets here! I dont need the key lock barrel but the inner door pressed metal holding bracket would be good if you have one of those as well. I could trade something but I dont have much around apart from some excess GT instruments and a bag full of odd body screws and bolts (all genuine Alfa) taken from a wrecker some time ago.(And still have 1 only new front disc rotor for a 1750/2000) What have you?............PANCHO!! Where are you?
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: pancho on April 27, 2012, 10:20:10 PM
Aloha !  ;D - good quality original handles run about $150 - with nos around the $180 - 190 mark - depending on with keys or not and whether they are a matched key pair.

The repros are not the best quality (poor chrome work). I'll do a search and try tack one onto another order if I can. If you can wait a week or two there will be something good quality in your price range - and original too. Let me know. I've got a set of used and nos inner door handle supports too.
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: McAnnik on May 24, 2012, 08:13:57 PM
Well! here we are nearly a month down the track and still no door handle as requested!apart from Pancho's kind offer of a NOS item when he can find one. I feel I may have to lower my sights on an as new used item,  so I will revise my request that I will accept some blemishes in chrome finish such as dimples etc. the main concern is that the item is not cracked where they usually crack internally,easily spotted if you have one in that state. thanks guys......Cheers....Ian
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: pancho on May 24, 2012, 08:40:17 PM
Yep, sorry - I got a NOS right one in but I only have my own cars left side NOS unit.

There's been a real dry up of NOS GT items - (early GT there is hardly anything), are we seeing a dry up of AR NOS GT items out there?, I hope not! I'll keep searching though.
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: Evan Bottcher on May 24, 2012, 09:54:33 PM
Hi McAnnik,

You might consider getting in touch with Franjo in Slovenia.  His restoration work is outstanding.  I've attached a couple of photos he shared of restored original door handles.  PM me if you want his contact details.
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: pancho on May 25, 2012, 12:50:41 PM
Yes, the quality is superb.

Approx price to restore a door handle from Franjo is about 110euros each. The door handle must not be pitted.
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: Davidm1600 on May 25, 2012, 01:31:07 PM
So at approx $142 AUD that seems pretty reasonable, especially given how suburb Franjos work is.
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: pancho on May 25, 2012, 02:01:34 PM
plus shipping both ways + you have to supply a good used handle to start with. So about $210 landed each or you do the maths for the pair. Excellent work though.
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: Davidm1600 on May 25, 2012, 02:27:01 PM
Don't disagree Pancho, but if one has a good handle, except it looks worn/dull. It's a good option. After all the postage shouldnt be too expensive?? I have bought plenty of items from around the world and usually the postage is not the killer in the deal. After all such handles are not large or heavy.
Title: Re: WTB, 105 Outer door handle.
Post by: pancho on May 25, 2012, 02:36:07 PM
Postage is about $35 one way for two handles (handles are not the lightest of items) - more if you insure it.

To Slovenia you're also up for any customs charges should they choose to inspect the package. Ask me how I know....

Also just in case - 500grms registered to the US is about $25 - anything over 500g also attracts a $9 fee.

Just need to factor it all in I guess.