Just a reminder for those club members (and friends) that the Club is again holding an Early Morning Run to Hanging Rock for a BBQ lunch. Start 9.00 ish
Some just come for the drive, some for lunch, some meet us half way at the Newham General Store at about 10.30am.
http://www.hotfrog.com.au/Companies/Newham-General-Store (http://www.hotfrog.com.au/Companies/Newham-General-Store)
Refer link for booking and further details:
http://www.alfaclubvic.org.au/component/option,com_jcalpro/Itemid,67/extmode,view/extid,435/ (http://www.alfaclubvic.org.au/component/option,com_jcalpro/Itemid,67/extmode,view/extid,435/)
Note new members most welcome.
Mary Colautti for the
105 Register
Mobile: 0412-785-824
Hi about what time do you think you will get to hanging rock
Hi Dehne
Scheduled ETA at Hanging Rock - ABOUT 12.30.
On entry in to the HR park look for the AROCA banner near the covered BBQ area on your left.
Thank you to Mary and Bruno for organising the 105 register cruise to Hanging Rock, we started at Marranello Pursang Motors in Brunswick, there was a good mix of cars, new and old, the roads were great, with no holdups or Camry's, we stopped for morning tea at a General store somewhere, and it was 8c, but the coffee and snacks were good, then we proceeded to Hanging Rock for our lunch, in our pre booked pavillion, where lots of Alfa related conversations took place and a bit of a walk around the grounds, then some kick to kick with the footy, i love these cruises, when you just jump in your car and go for a drive, and if you don't have your regular navigator, you just follow everyone else and blame them if you get lost, next event on the calender is next friday night at 7 p.m. at ZAGAMES in West Melbourne for the late model workshop night, as i speak, only 8 places left.... call 0407 090 826 or email drtool@bigpond.com.au to reserve a spot, Colin.
A couple of photos from today... thanks to Mary and Bruno for organising!
Bruno and Mary - Thanks for a great drive.
I did not go all the way to Hanging Rock but found the drive north thru Melbourne and across the west to Hanging Rock a pleaseant change with a variety of roads and scenery.
Interestingly at the morning tea stop, I met a gent who did regret not being able to attend our drive.
He was looking forward to taking his Zagato 6C for a bit of a run !
Thank you Bruno and Mary - a fun day including some roads that were new to me!