AROCA 6 hr Relay 2012
Supplementary Regulations and Entry Form will be available on 29 June via this forum area.
The 2012 AROCA 6 hr Relay is dedicated to the memory of Tony Hawker.
A respected AROCA club and committee member, he was, additionally, an experienced and gentleman competitor at many 6 hr relays, historic race meetings and tarmac rallies.
Sadly after a long battle with illness, Tony passed away on 26 May 2012.
He will be missed tremendously by his family, friends and fellow competitors.
Hello all
Please find the link for downloading the invitation, supplementary regulations and entry form to the 2012 AROCA 6 hr at Winton on 13-14 October.
For the invitation
For the supp regs:
For the entry form:
To secure a team place quickly, complete invitation with payment of $200 and submit asap. Once accepted, complete entry form with full details and return by end of August. It is important to complete invitation to secure team place.
Team places are limited.
Just a month out from the AROCA 6 hr. This makes the 7th under our helm and going strong.
The committee's year long hard work will be coming to fruition, with the next 4 weeks being the toughest. I can sense all the teams are hard at it preparing their cars and strategising.
Over 350 participants, about 100 officials and many more expected club members and spectators during the weekend.
Over 70 AROCA members with two teams from NSW.
About 65 Alfa's racing.
A great mix of teams and cars to provide variety for all to see.
14 All Alfa teams with 2 other being Alfa members but driving other makes.
2 Fiat teams
3 MX5 teams
3 Toyota teams
3 Lotus teams
3 Austin Healey Sprite teams
2 Austin Healey teams
2 BMW E30 and 36 teams
2 Shepparton teams
2 Deniliquin teams
2 Triumph teams
1 Ford Escort team
1 Renault Clio team
1 Club Mini team
1 Austin 7 club SA team, driving anything but.
You have done well there Neil, good mix of cars with an emphasis on club sprint cars, look forward to the event, if anyone is considering doing the event, come along and have a look, you will be impressed, the best part is the start, very exciting without the chaos and mayhem of a Belgium G.P., Colin.
It's a pity Colin we won't see your 156 on the track!
With just under 4 weeks to another AROCA 6 hr, I can sense the competition is heightening.
For those wondering, event documents in electronic form should be available soon, possibly next week or so. It will be basically the Manager's kit which include further supp regs, schedule, scrutineering sheet, race numbers and garage etc.
An invitation is open to all members of all car clubs, they are most welcome to attend to support, spectate and contribute to their club's teams, the event and the overall grassroot club level motorsport atmosphere. AROCA welcomes you. There is no cost to enter the facilities so just come on in.
The only thing we ask of all spectators is to park your cars in the spectator area which is on the other side of the paddock near the trailer park, a little way from the competition cars and garages.
The reason we ask you to do is that the paddock is already crowded with over 250 competition cars and probably 100 support cars. And if your car blocks the garage areas and competition cars are blocked, then your club members will not be too pleased in being inconvenient and an unnecessary raised stress level.
Other than that, it is all looking great and I look forward to seeing you during the weekend, whether in the paddock or on the track.
Just a very late call out to any racers out on the forum wanting to compete, a couple of teams have had last minute drop outs and need additional drivers/cars.
Contact me if interested.
The team entry list is below. With the drivers' list attached.
Team Pur Sang AROCA
Team Maranello AROCA
The Usual Suspects AROCA
Maschi Di Alfa AROCA
Alfa Development Drivers AROCA
Monza Corse AROCA
Alfpa Racing AROCA
Team Africa AROCA
Victoree Racing AROCA
Team Trofeo AROCA
Team AceKarts AROCA
Scuderia Mauceri AROCA
Team RDA + EBC Brakes AROCA
clubMINI Motorsport Club Mini
Northern BM BMWCC
Fiat Club of NSW Fiat NSW
Fly'n Miatas MX5
Team MX5 Motorsport MX5
City Mazda Motorsport MX5
Austin 7 Club SA Austin 7 Club SA
Roofless Racing Austin Healey Sprite Drivers' Club
Team No Brakes Austin Healey Sprite Drivers' Club
ALL BRANds Austin Healey Sprite Drivers' Club
Team Healey 1 Austin Healey
Team Healey 2 Austin Healey
Team E30 BMWCC
SDCC No.1 Shepparton
SDCC No.2 Shepparton
Deni Doers Deniliquin
Charlies Chargers Deniliquin
TSOA True Story TSOA
TSOA Wheelspin TSOA
Escort by the hour Escort
Team Can't Racing LCV
LCV Roaring 50s LCV
Team Alfa-Lotus LCV 1
Classic Japan Toyota
Grumpy Automotive Racing Toyota
TEAM Corolla Toyota
AROCA is proud to announce and thank Alfa Romeo Australia and City Mazda for providing course cars for the event.
Current weather forecast shows rain on Friday clearing, sunny and 19 degrees on Saturday...
AROCA is again pleased to announce the generous support from the following:
As sponsors of the AROCA 6 hr relay. Their support facilitates the looking after of the officials and helpers of the event.
These sponsors (Bruno Colautti, Hugh Harrison and Seby Mauceri) are well known Alfa club members and long time sponsors of the club. Two of whom (Bruno and Hugh) are life members and all are Alfa racers (when they are not fixing other's race cars).
The club thanks you for your support.
Pleased to announce the support of the event by sponsorship from our Clerk of Course, Alister Grigg and Fastman Consulting and Solutions. (
Pleased to announce the support from FIAT CHRYSLER AUSTRALIA for the provision of a course car for the event.
Pleased to announce the support from Craig Healy and ANGOVE WINES for the event.
Pleased to announce the support from Vin Sharp and PACE ENGINEERING for the event.
With only days to it all comes together, I noticed my credit card has been charged by the weather god and funds have been withdrawn.
The weather is looking first rate. Sunny all around and looking to be a fantastic event for competitors, officials and spectators.
Bring your sunnies, SPF 30 and hat and lets go racing.
See you all there.
Just a quick report for now.
Event ran in brilliant sunshine both days, with a fantastic sight greeting all, a low hovering light mist in the morning across the field as you drove towards the circuit which cleared as you arrived. Brilliant driving by all, great club level camaraderie, I lent out brake pads, oil filter and even someone scavenging a brake switch from me after my car broke terminally. Others saw many other parts borrowed and lending a hand at getting cars going as well. Brilliant. This is what the event is about.
The winners are:
1 Fly'n Miatas MX5 19
2 Team E30 BMWCC 30
3 Roofless Racing Austin Healey Sprite Drivers' Club 24
4 clubMINI Motorsport Club Mini 16
5 City Mazda Motorsport MX5 21
6 Team M3 BMWCC 29
7 Northern BM BMWCC 17
8 ALL BRANds Austin Healey Sprite Drivers' Club 26
9 Maschi Di Alfa AROCA 3
10 Classic Japan Toyota 41
11 Team Healey 2 Austin Healey 28
12 Fiat Club of NSW Fiat NSW 18
13 Team GTV AROCA 5
14 Austin 7 Club SA Austin 7 Club SA 23
15 Team MX5 Motorsport MX5 20
16 Team Alfa NSW 1 AROCA NSW 9
17 Team Pur Sang AROCA 1
18 Team Healey 1 Austin Healey 27
19 TSOA True Story TSOA 35
20 Scuderia Mauceri AROCA 14
21 SDCC No.2 Shepparton 32
22 Deni Doers Deniliquin 33
23 SDCC No.1 Shepparton 31
24 TSOA Wheelspin TSOA 36
25 Team Africa AROCA 8
26 Grumpy Automotive Racing Toyota 42
27 TEAM Corolla Toyota 43
28 Escort by the hour Escort 37
29 Monza Corse AROCA 6
30 Victoree Racing AROCA 11
31 Charlies Chargers Deniliquin 34
32 Team Trofeo AROCA 12
33 Team Alfa NSW 2 AROCA NSW 10
34 Alfpa Racing AROCA 7
35 Team No Brakes Austin Healey Sprite Drivers' Club 25
36 LCV Roaring 50s LCV 39
37 Team Maranello AROCA 2
38 Alfa Development Drivers AROCA 4
39 Team Can't Racing LCV 38
40 Team AceKarts AROCA 13
41 Team RDA + EBC Brakes AROCA 15
42 Team Alfa-Lotus LCV 1 40
43 The Usual Suspects AROCA 22
Highest Placed Alfa Team for the inaugural Tony Hawker Trophy is MASCHI DI ALFA: Managers: Gary Pearce & Kerry Reynolds, Helpers Phil Nash and Kate Floyd, Drivers: Phil Baskett, Evan Bottcher, Neil Choi, John Floyd.
Ladies Trophy Ursula Weidenmuller
Best Presented Team Team Alfa NSW 1&2
Special thanks to all the flaggies, race safe, pitlane, check-in, Scrutineering, catering, safety car, and my fellow race control officials who made it all run so smoothly on the weekend. And of course to the drivers and team members who participated with the right balance of fun and focus.
Alister (just a clerk, of course....)