Hi there,
I'm fairly new to this forum! Can anyone help me? I wanting to buy a good condition Alfetta GTV6/GTV4 dash with no cracks (not the split type dash prior 83). I know I'm asking a lot but I know they still exist as I seen them before on line for sale and am now kicking myself I never purchased one and kept it for a rainy day. Well, it's now raining and I have recently purchased another Alfetta GTV after riding off my Alfa 75 a week after spending 1 year restoring it...shit happns! >:( Does anyone have or know who has a GTV dashboard for sale? Or where the best place to get one reskinned or repaired would be that you don't have to take a loan for? My dash isn't that bad and could probably get away with repairing the minor cracks in it if that's even possible ???
The chances of getting a GTV6 dashboard without cracks is fairly remote, what about getting a second hand dash rewelded and reskinned, get a secondhand one and get it fixed, and when its done, change it over with yours, the reason i say that, is that i had a mate who took his dash out, and it took months to get done, and his car was off the road, and when the dash came back he struggled to remember how it went back...., what are these clips for, how does this go in?, Colin.
Hi Colin,
I already have one but it has cracks and needs to be reskinned. I live in Adelaide and have rung around some dash places in Adelaide and are quoting me a $1000 to have it reskinned. I'm not sure if i can just have the cracks filled in but it would probably look crap anyway. So. that's why I'm looking around for a good replacement. Do you know of any dash repairers?
If you're tempted to try fixing it, there is this thread from the AlfaBB. It's a long thread but if you read to the end, there is a post by an Australian who fixed his dash with pictures of the products he used. The post is just over 2 years old, so you could send him a PM and ask him how it's holding up. (the post is on page 11)
http://www.alfabb.com/bb/forums/car-restoration/15792-great-dash-repair-under-30-00-a.html (http://www.alfabb.com/bb/forums/car-restoration/15792-great-dash-repair-under-30-00-a.html)
Cheers, Scott
Hi Scott,
Thank you for letting me know. I'll check it out...really appreciate it!
Not sure about that! Looks great but I wouldn't have a clue how to do what he did! I think I need to stick to initial thought of finding another dash or having it reskinned/repaired!
Does anyone have any contacts who can reskin or repair dashboards??????
Seems like I've already answered this post on the WTB thread!!!! Maybe we should move this topic to Technical!!! My answer to Domonic's reluctance to attempt this type of repair is "Can you afford $1000 to reskin a dash????? Can YOU change a tap washer??Can YOU bang a nail into a piece of wood???? THEN !! YOU can repair your own dash panel!!(and save a Grand) AND !IT CAN BE DONE IN the CAR!! (The car will be totally undrivable for about six months while you take this approach!just thought I would warn you first!!) If you feel confident enough, you can bog up the dash yourself to the point where the Dash Masters will only charge for reskinning only,I haven't tried that method but it's maybe a good short cut,I would think that they would not charge more tha a couple o hundred bucks to complete the job.( I bet they bitch like hell though!!) See you soon in the Tech section.....................................Cheers Ian P.S. to this,( I had forgotten)I did. some years ago cut and shut a Porsche 914 dash to RHD.After much modifying I presented the dash all done and ready for a reskin (only) to The Dashboard Quack.Their only comment was, "you've just saved us a lot of work" (and, no doubt cut their margin considerably), so, yes! it can be done.
In Melbourne, we have a Dashboard Doctor, [or did a few years ago in Coburg- Brunswick], jump on the net, and see if he is still around, it would be best to get the cracks refilled, and a new skin put over that, do-able on your own, terrible job though, did one on my 33, about the same electrics and difficulty as a GTV6 i imagine, Colin.
The Dashboard Doctor is still in business. Sydnet Road, just north of Moreland Road. Having had work dones by him and been very satisfied I have no hesitation in recommending him for any dashboard type refurbishment.
Hi edmunds,
Thanks for your response! What type of dashboard did you have repaired and what was the extent of the repair. What did it cost you to have it done? Just curious to know what i might be up for if I decide to have it done...cheers Domenic