Key remote stopped working

Started by ALFAAA, July 16, 2011, 04:37:32 PM

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 Hi All, my key remote stopped working. :-[

Does anyone know who can repair it in the Dandenong area.

I replaced the battery still no good,There is a bloke in the UK that repairs them but I would prefer someone local. ???

I am using my other key remote.
Current :2023 Tonale Veloce
             :Alfetta GTV6 1984 3.2 24v
             :2004 916 V6 3.2 Spider (baby)
Past       :Alfetta GTV  1977
             :147 Selespeed 2002


There is a place in Lilydale, Victoria that repairs remote keys for cars, some people at work with Falcans and Commodores have had success there, don't know about Alfa Romeo's, but i suppose they repair all car remotes, and i think that its a locksmith, tell us how you make out, as we will all face this problem one day, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]

John Hanslow

Monza Motors may be able to help as they are cost competitive for replacement and can offer a few suggestions.
2011 Giulietta QV

1989 164 3.0  V6
2002 156 Twin Spark Sports Edition
2002 147 Twin Spark
2002 916 Spider Twin Spark
1990 Alfa 75 Potenziata


This is quite possibly a DIY job. My remote stopped working and following the advice on a thread on the forum I was able to fix it for free. Check this out - Looks complicated, isn't if you follow the instructions. If you're not a competent solderer, find someone who is.

2002 156 GTA


Just got my remote back for a bloke in the UK, it works like new.
Local Alfa dealer quoted me $700.00 plus coding to replace it.
Got it repaired for $80.00 all up, including the postage to and from the UK.
Look on Ebay for Zaksystems.
The guy repairs all late model Alfa remotes and many other marques as well.



Hey worlord, thanks for the good tip, the dealers i hope will read this and adjust their prices accordingly or face a decline in trade, this is what the forum is all about, people like you with a problem, you solve it and tell us about it, good stuff!, we will all need a key done at one stage, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


I still have not repaired my key as I am using my spare ???,

Not many key repairers in Australia want to deal with Alfa keys.

Zaksystems on ebay/UK was the bloke that was going to repair my key.

Hey worlord, how many days did it take to repair.
Current :2023 Tonale Veloce
             :Alfetta GTV6 1984 3.2 24v
             :2004 916 V6 3.2 Spider (baby)
Past       :Alfetta GTV  1977
             :147 Selespeed 2002


Hey ALFAAA, have you contacted any of the local Alfa specialists, such as Maranello Pursang, Monza Motors or Maceuri Motors?, it would be interesting to see what they come up with, a good alternate to the dealers, DON'T lose that spare or you will be walking!, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


As L4OMEO said, why don't you repair it yourself using the instructions at


At $80 of ebay for a key that works, you would have to be pretty keen on soldering, and if not done properly, you would end up with corrosion and dry joints and getting locked out of your car, when it fails, but if you are a competant solderer, [not me!], have a go, like how hard can it be?, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


anybody who wants to have the surface mount switch resoldered that lives in vic can visit me in the CBD or the South East on weekends.

I have extensive SMD experience and can resolder it for you for free for all ALFISTI (note, does NOT include FIAT ;) )

PM me if you wish.


Hey Wankski, how about Alfa Romeo 156's with Fiat motors?, thanks for your offer to help out, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]


Hey Colin,
I would be too scared to go to our local Dealers, It seems to be always in the $100's  :-[
Current :2023 Tonale Veloce
             :Alfetta GTV6 1984 3.2 24v
             :2004 916 V6 3.2 Spider (baby)
Past       :Alfetta GTV  1977
             :147 Selespeed 2002



Car to take a look at my sister's key. Its the 3 button flip remote that has stopped repsonding to when buttons pressed. I think the switches are ok since they still click unless i am wrong. I believe it could be a dry solder problem. Let me know what you think.


you'll need to take the module out as per guide... have a look around, if the solder has popped off one of the switches, that'll be it...

if none of the bottons work however, its pretty unlikely...

dumb question but have you changed the battery?