Started by daemonica, October 07, 2009, 04:32:47 PM

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Everyone make sure you check the calender for the update on the christmas party this year.
i will update this as soon as i can with the details in the meantime if you could send me a quick email with kids names ages and all the names of the adults attending so i can organize presents etc that would be fabulous the final day to register will be the 1st november 2009 so let me know asap. ;D
the venue is really good its called FUNFIELDS TOBOGAN PARK at WHITTLESEA its on the web if you want to see what you can get up to on the day will show everything that is on offer it has bbq facilities in the picnic area where we will be set up in so byo bbq lunch etc. email through the social mail or sms/call me on 0404014601. looking forward to christmas fun 2009.

the presents have been ordered now and if anyone else has kids you need to bring a present yourself and place it in the area provided for santa to give it to them at the moment we have 14 kids under 16 and 17 adults.
if you are coming to this event it is very important that you let me know as soon as possible so i can finalize the funfields booking.
otherwise you will have to pay to enter on the day.
you can call me on 0404014601 any time till 10pm daily

all the best
social secretary