My New Shitbox

Started by Sheldon McIntosh, June 01, 2010, 10:30:10 PM

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Seems Stuart is up and about again.  Sheldon put it nicely (attached)
1967 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce - (WIP) Strada
1977 Alfetta GTV Group S - Corsa - For Sale (,9600.0.html)
2009 159 JTS Ti

Sheldon McIntosh

Last I heard Stu was having the radiator flushed at Coffs Harbour at 9 this morning  The stop-leak we put in on Wednesday may have clogged it up. 

Thanks MD, good to see you again, and thanks for your help.  If I don't remember the wiring (pretty good chance of that), I'm sure Dad will, and worst-case scenario we have the spare starter ready to go in.

Detailed updates and photos at  Check them out, they're good.

Sheldon McIntosh

You can also follow our adventures at  , one of our major sponsors, along with .  Remember, we wouldn't be able to do this without them, so at least check them out.  Thanks Branko and Dad!!

Sliver Trails is a beta version of a travel and sports tracking iPhone app that my Dad is developing, it allows users to track where they go, by whatever means, and keep a record, along with comments and photos, they can keep these trails on their phone or upload them to a website enabling friends to follow them -- Perfect for an adventure such as this, and an ideal test for us.

Paul Gulliver

Sheldon , Great photo's, very fine detail of the the president breaking down. If the dolimite has done that on the black stuff, has Stu shown it the off road yet.

Hope you are both safe & sound In Bris Vegas ready to go.

Paul Gulliver
2017 Silver Giulia Veloce
1979 Silver Alfa 116 GTV Twin Spark
1973 Red Alfa 105 2.0 GTV

2013 Giulietta QV
2006 Black 159 2.2 J
1970 Dutch Blue Series 2 1750
1975 Blue Alfetta Sedan 1.8
1981 Piper Yellow Alfetta GTV 2000
1985 Red Alfetta GTV2.0
1989 White Alfa 164
2000 156


Hey Sheldon, well done on getting this far, the photos of Mario and the Dolly look great.  Ditto the blog over on  I know exactly what you mean re the great driving roads north of Sydney, as I was up there a few years back driving around Byron and the hinterlands.  Great fun but alas not in an Alfa but rather a damned Hyundai rental, two up and with surfboards as well. 

BTW MD if you are reading where on earth did you get yourself your CMI sticker for your race GTV, just curious? I am currently al Presedente of the club.  Looks great though and definitely one nicely put together car.

Keep posting Sheldon on the Rally, as you can, as this is a great read.  Nothing better than a road trip in an old car !!
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina

Sheldon McIntosh

On the road as I type. The Alfa is being boringly reliable, as per usual. Stu cracked his thermostat housing on the Dolomite this morning, but was able to find a spare. Since then he's stopped twice when it's overheated. Seems to be okay once up to speed, but doesn't like idling or driving slowly. What a Shitbox.


Hi David. This is going to hurt. You sent it to me.  :)

BTW. Where did you see the car?
Transaxle Alfas Haul More Arse.

Current Fleet
Alfetta GTV6 3.0
Alfetta GTV Twin Spark supercharged racer
75 1.8L supercharged racer

Past Fleet
Alfa GT 3.2V6
Alfetta GTV 2.0
Giulia Super 2.0
Berlina 2.0

Evan Bottcher


David would have seen it here: (halfway down the page)
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal


Thanks Evan. When  I finish this race car project I will post a little story about it and provide some more insight in an appropriate topic set.
Transaxle Alfas Haul More Arse.

Current Fleet
Alfetta GTV6 3.0
Alfetta GTV Twin Spark supercharged racer
75 1.8L supercharged racer

Past Fleet
Alfa GT 3.2V6
Alfetta GTV 2.0
Giulia Super 2.0
Berlina 2.0

Sheldon McIntosh

On the way to Longreach, and we just passed a cell tower, so I have a few minutes to type. Alfa and Triumph still going strong,no stops for overheating yet today, with 300km down. Stunning scenery out here, and shiploads of dead kangaroos on the road, and a few live ones.

Phone coverage getting very patchy though.

Wish us luck.


Hey Sheldon,

All this crusie stuff with no thrills and spills is a bit of a yawn. Give us the real stories like your dad has a sunburnt butt from giving all the other Shitbox drivers a moonie. Tell us how you are ducking bullets from the roo shooters all around the place. Give us the crocodile count per kilometer now that you are croc country. And oh yeah don't leave out the part where you had to tie your dad to the rear bumper kicking and screaming to make room for the hot babe you picked up hitch hiking to Longreach.

Common. You know you wanna. Lie a little if you have to... ;D ;D
Transaxle Alfas Haul More Arse.

Current Fleet
Alfetta GTV6 3.0
Alfetta GTV Twin Spark supercharged racer
75 1.8L supercharged racer

Past Fleet
Alfa GT 3.2V6
Alfetta GTV 2.0
Giulia Super 2.0
Berlina 2.0


Good thinking Batman.. :D

Put that beer down Sheldon and start typing.. ;D
Transaxle Alfas Haul More Arse.

Current Fleet
Alfetta GTV6 3.0
Alfetta GTV Twin Spark supercharged racer
75 1.8L supercharged racer

Past Fleet
Alfa GT 3.2V6
Alfetta GTV 2.0
Giulia Super 2.0
Berlina 2.0

Evan Bottcher

There's a day one video here:

No sign of the Alfa or Her Majesty yet.
Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal


Quote from: MD on May 21, 2011, 08:59:07 PM
Hi David. This is going to hurt. You sent it to me.  :)

BTW. Where did you see the car?

Oh bugger, so I must have, what an old and incompetent bugger I have become.  Damn this oldtimers disease.  Oh well it looks damned good on the racecar.

I like your thinking re more impressive notes and impressions from Sheldon from the insides of Mario.

Come on Sheldon, surely the shitbox is going to breakdown at least once, it is an Alfa afterall.  I mean I would have thought that derigour for the dollie but, just once would be cool, with a pic of you or your dad under the bonnet or under the car.  Mind you on the other hand we all know Alfas can take heaps, so how about a power slide or handbrake turn with smoking tyres as you miss a couple of roos or crocs just waiting to give you guys a hard time up norf !
2003 JTS 156 sportwagon
1969 Giulia sedan (x2)
1969 AC Fiat 124 sport

Past: '76 Alfetta 1.8 GT 
        '76 Alfetta 1.8 Sedan
        ' 73 2L Berlina



You need to have a crack at Rob Robson's trick from the Endeavour rally. He got his Giulietta airborne, with the resultant landing putting about 5 degrees neggie on the de dion! Instant race set up.

Have fun mate. That country must look incredible after all the rain we had this summer.
