Comet Lovejoy pictures

Started by Stuart Thomson, December 29, 2011, 01:17:19 PM

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Stuart Thomson

Apart from being your Glorious Leader (as opposed to Dear Leader, 'cos that guy was crazy) (in Vic only), I also dabble in astrophotography.

Many of you may have heard of the comet that is gracing our (very early) morning skies at present.

Well Melbourne has been clouded out in the mornings over the last several weeks, so I've had to travel to get some pictures of the comet.

I've made a website to hold them,

The mornings have been quite surreal, up at indescribable hours, driving the GTA out to various parts of central Victoria, taking photos for about an hour, then back home for breakky.  A nap in the arvo is usually required.

Here's one of the photos from the website.
