Goldfields Chapter - September drive and dine

Sunday, 8 September 2024
9:00am - 3:00pm

Buninyong to Beeac

Goldfields Chapter - September drive & dine

This will be a repeat of a great club run we had way back in June of 2021. We will meet up in Buninyong, head to Inverleigh for morning tea, and then drive on to Beeac for lunch at the 'Farmers Arms Hotel'.

Farmers Arms at BeeacFarmers Arms Hotel - Beeac

We might get a peek at an interesting and quite eclectic car collection too? TBC


Goldfields Chapter Drive & Dine 8/9/24:

9:00am – Meet in the FoodWorks Car Park in Buninyong. Coffee is available nearby.

9:30am – Drive via backroads to Inverleigh.

10:30-11:30am – Coffee, snack and chat at the Inverleigh Bakehouse.

11:30am – Drive to Beeac

12:30pm – Group Lunch at the 'Farmers Arms' Hotel in Beeac

Bookings are ESSENTIAL and will CLOSE on 1/9/24

If you are planning to attend this event, but as yet haven't booked, please do so soon!

email your booking to Leon: 
include: Name(s), contact details, member number and car details (model & colour)

Leon Cottle
0407 680 384

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Coming events

Saturday, 21 September 2024 – Sunday, 6 October 2024
School Hols - Vic

Saturday, 21 September 2024
Committee meeting

Wednesday, 25 September 2024
AROCA Committee meeting

Sunday, 29 September 2024
Club Drive - Lilydale to Jamieson

Saturday, 5 October 2024 – Sunday, 6 October 2024
Melbourne Italian Festa 2024

Sunday, 6 October 2024
AROCA New Members' Breakfast - Brunetti Classico

Wednesday, 9 October 2024
AROCA Victoria - Club Night

Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of Australia (Victoria Division) Incorporated
PO Box 216 Camberwell VIC 3124
ACN A0018615V | ABN 85 862 959 314
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