Spettacolo - Show & Shine

Sunday, 24 November 2024
8:00am - 3:00pm

Wesley College - Waverley Campus (TBC!)

AROCA Victoria's annual 

Spettacolo Show & Shine

Date: Sunday 24th November

Venue: Wesley College, 620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley.
Enter from High Street Road, look for the AROCA Club flags near the main school entrance.

Time: Access to the site will be available from 8:00 am for exhibitors.

Exhibitors must arrive by 9:30 am - at the latest. Late arrivals may be refused entry.

Admission Fee is $10 per vehicle, payable at the gate on entry.

Pre-booking for the Show & Shine is NOT Required.

There is no charge for visitors or spectators.

All Alfa Romeos will be displayed according to their respective model and series.

Spettacolo is AROCA Victoria's biggest annual event!

The 2024 Spettacolo Show & Shine returns to the manicured lawns of Wesley College's Glen Waverley Campus.

The 2023 event attracted about 350 examples of our favourite Italian marque, so it is time to start preparing your car for display in this year's event. 

To display your Alfa Romeo at the Spettacolo Show & Shine, just turn up on the day and pay the $10 admission fee at the gate. You will then be directed to the appropriate area for your Alfa Romeo. You will also be provided with a Show & Shine entry form / score sheet at the gate, which you will need to complete and submit by 10:00 am on the day if you want your Alfa Romeo included in the Spettacolo Show & Shine competition. 

Proud owners of good clean Alfa Romeos are encouraged to enter the Spettacolo Show & Shine competition, which will be judged on the day. The judges will inspect your car's exterior and interior for cleanliness. Cars will compete in the categories defined in accordance with the Club's Registers. A tie breaker may be used to determine a winner. 

Make sure that you submit a Show & Shine entry form no later than 10:00 am on the day, or your Alfa Romeo may be overlooked when the competition is judged. Entering the Show & Shine is optional, and it is free.

AROCA Spettacolo

Graeme Peake
0411 184 699


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Coming events

Saturday, 21 September 2024 – Sunday, 6 October 2024
School Hols - Vic

Wednesday, 25 September 2024
AROCA Committee meeting

Sunday, 29 September 2024
Club Drive - Lilydale to Jamieson

Saturday, 5 October 2024 – Sunday, 6 October 2024
Melbourne Italian Festa 2024

Sunday, 6 October 2024
AROCA New Members' Breakfast - Brunetti Classico

Wednesday, 9 October 2024
AROCA Victoria - Club Night

Friday, 11 October 2024 – Sunday, 13 October 2024
Alfa Club 10 Hour Relay - Winton

Alfa Romeo Owners' Club of Australia (Victoria Division) Incorporated
PO Box 216 Camberwell VIC 3124
ACN A0018615V | ABN 85 862 959 314
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